4 Tips To Help Deal with Insomnia

Stay Consistent
Keep a consistent wake-up time and bedtime. Sometimes sleep is hard to come by when you don't have a solid routine in place. Shift workers and people that travel a lot can find it more difficult to fall asleep at night because they don't have a well-established sleep routine and lack consistency.
Set the Tone
Set the tone for sleep by making your bed as peaceful as possible. Get the TV out of the bedroom and make your bed someplace you want to be. If your bed isn't comfortable and doesn't put you in the right mode for sleep, you might find it more difficult to fall asleep or to stay asleep. If temperature fluctuations keep you up at night, consider ordering cooling bedding from Cool-Jams™.
Cut the Naps
Generally, adults don't need naps. If you can't sleep at night, it may be because your daytime nap habits are keeping you awake. Cut the naps and see if being more tired at night helps you fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer.
Keep it Calm
The hour preceding bedtime is not the best time to balance your checkbook, catch up on housework, pay bills or watch the action film you've been meaning to see. Read a book, listen to quiet music or do another calming activity to put your mind in the mood to sleep. Creating a bedtime routine and sticking with it can be a great way to wind-down at night and prevent insomnia.
Practicing good sleep hygiene is the best way to prevent insomnia. If you're one of the millions of people that suffer from chronic or occasional insomnia, learning to deal with difficult sleep can make a big difference in your daily life.