4 Solutions For Sleep Problems
- Menopause. A very large percentage of temperature regulating sleep solution customers are women going through the physical changes related to menopause. If you find yourself suffering from night sweats, waking up with hot flashes and generally struggling with temperature issues, our moisture-wicking women's pajamas and cooling bed sheets may be right for you.
- Hot foam mattresses. While you may love the comfort that your foam mattress provides, you surely don't love the hot, sweaty feeling that it gives you. To cure this, try adding a cooling mattress cover that creates a silky, cool barrier between you and your mattress.
- Cancer treatment. Some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy are hot flashes and temperature issues, and Cool-jams offers a number of sleep solution products that will help you to get through this difficult time. Try our moisture-wicking bamboo sheets, moisture-wicking pajamas and even a cooling pillow that will keep your head and face cool while you sleep.
- Incompatible temperatures between couples. Many couples struggle to find common ground when it comes to the temperature in your home, and it if this is something that you and your partner argue about, it's time to fix it once and for all with a pair of moisture-wicking pajamas and a cooling pillowcase that leaves your side of the bed cool and dry.